Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Day of the Hungarian Culture

We have been celebrating the Hungarian Culture on 22nd January since 1989 in order to remember that according to the manuscript Ferenc Kölcsey the famous poet finished writing the National Athemn of Hungary on this very day in 1823.
The anniversary is celebrated nationwide. On this day there is a special attention paid to our traditions, the roots of the Magyars, who have been around at least 1100 years in the Carpathian Basin. It is a good time to enhance the national consciousness in the people of Hungary, to show off and hand on the knowledge and inheritance of our ancestors to our children. It is a day with various cultural events all around the country and awarding prizes to artists, teachers and ohers who have done a lot to achive these objects.
In Hajduszoboszlo the programmes are organised in the above mentioned sprit too. They include two performances in Kovács Máté Community Centre (Szilfákalja út 2) At 10 am the puppet version of the tale of  Cinerella is on, and in the evening from 18 pm there is a music and literature programme.

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